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Concept designs for a priority bike route for Willoughby Council

David Knights and Alexa McAuley developed concept designs for the Chatswood to Castle Cove bike route for Willoughby Council. The route has been identified as a priority in Council’s Bike Plan, and the current project involves route development and concept design.

The route includes opportunities for pleasant stretches of off-road shared path and some parts of the route along quiet roads, but also includes the challenges of crossing the busy Eastern Valley Way and navigating Smith Street Chatswood, a busy street through a commercial and light industrial area with heavy traffic, busy driveways, bus stops and on-street parking.

We undertook route development including assessment of alternative options and concept designs for the preferred option. At Eastern Valley Way we explored the best possible location for a new bridge and signalised crossing for bikes, modifying one of two existing signalised intersections. At Smith Street we investigated options for a separated cycleway with constraints including bus stops, busy retail entrances and exits, valuable on street parking and existing trees.


Active transport network audit / Connectivity analysis / Route options / Concept designs


Feasibility / Concept Design


Willoughby Council